Monday, September 28, 2009

Thing 4

Commenting and why it's so important..

In the Blog sphere, commenting is a must to keep things moving along. Bloggers need that feedback to know that their voices are being heard. It is here where a special phenomenon occurs and opinions really DO matter. It's not that personal beliefs don't matter in spoken words, it's just when someone blogs they are putting themselves in a position for acceptance or possible ridicule of their ideas. This is because there are no real filers in blogs. There is no, "Nice weather we're having" empty conversation. Blogs are your topics and how you feel about them and in turn, the readers comments /opinions and how they feel about them. Of course these opinions can vary, depending on the degree of the topics' sensitivity. Blogging is an impersonal way to voice opinions or concerns but is also capable of becoming quite personal. All of these passions wouldn't be possible without the commenting and feedback that is shared on blogs.
For this thing, I found the 10 techniques for getting more comments on your blog helpful. Leaving open-ended questions and trying to make my readings easier to comment is something I will try to be more mindful of. Also helpful in the Discovery Resources were the 'Your Comments?' by Blue Skunk (nice name). Most of these resources echoed the same advise; be genuine, polite, and just be brave and comment already! I wonder what my fellow classmates got out of the discovery resources and which ones helped them the most? If I missed anything, please let me know. To me this is all about learning and growth. Any insight is totally welcomed here (:
To be continued..

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