Friday, September 11, 2009

Thing 1

I'm used to being called a professional student but never a life-long learner. Probably because I've never heard of it until now. Well I've always loved yoga, fishing, reading, and playing, so looks like I already am showing some of the symptoms of the LLL. The tutorial was very structured and easy to follow. Some of the habits, like the ones listed above, are already loves of mine.. and I always try to keep my mind open. Just like It's open to this, new to me, concept. I need more structure in my life. Sometimes when I'm about to teach a class I go in with the 'winging-it' attitude. That's got me through many a time but I'm getting older and feel the need to map things out IN A more concise method.. perhaps because my memory isn't what it used to be, either. Take for instance this current situation.. typing my first blog at 11:45p.m. on a Friday night. I'm just hoping I'm doing this right so far and kicking myself for not doing it sooner. Note to self, stop procrastinating!

Web 2.0 is totally awesome! I could get lost for hours looking through all the different avenues for learning. Most of the sites I had no idea about but am certainly going to toss in my toolbox. I'm going to have to use the advise given in this class to move more confidently through the Internets. Yes, I've been too stubborn and need to learn how these newfangled gadgets work. I must say I'm looking forward to it.

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